Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I read a lot of Nancy Drew growing up...can you tell?

Hiding out behind the blinds..Autumn, Natalie and I found ourselves rolling on the floor laughing. The best line of the night... "Natalie, don't get all baptist on them." Natalie's response..."Hell fire and brimstone!" Nice, Natalie. Nice.

Since I've lived with Autumn, i've been very interested in the townhome across the way. I pass by it everyday...with our windows open, I can see all the comings and goings of those living there. What can i say? I'm a people watcher...nosey...and easily distracted. So, of course you'll find me staring out the window from time to time.

So, I've noticed quite a few interesting happenings at said house...which i'll refer to as the Hostel from now on. There are always new cars in the parking lot with out of state tags...exhibit A. Exhibit B....there are strange women and men always coming in and out that I never see more than twice. Exhibit C....their living room looks like a bedroom (something i've noticed just by walking by...i promise I'm not a stalker...). Exhibit D...ummm..that might be it.

At first, I only noticed men coming and going and therefore made the logical assumption it was a brothel. Obvious, right? But the people coming in and out didn't quite fit the stereotype of what a pervert would look like...however a pervert comes in all forms, I am sure. Moving on....

Then, I started thinking it was a hostel. I tried looking online...but came up empty. So, maybe it isn't a hostel...even though i still call it that.

My latest theory...

It is a Commune. (and no this theory has not been influenced by the latest news story about the commune out west).

I'm pretty sure the people living there are Morman. I see people coming and going on Saturday dressed in their Sunday Best...or for them, their Saturday Best. One of the women living there drives a car with a "Mitt for president" bumper sticker...(will someone tell her he's out of the race?)...

And then...the piece that ties all of this together....Autumn, Natalie and I saw two Mormon Missionaries (young men, dressed in white shirts with name tags and black pants, riding bikes) go up to the Brothel/Hostel/Commune and knock on the door. The Mitt fan answered the door....they proceeded to talk for about 10 or 15 minutes outside on the stoop...smiles...spots of laughter. Buddies? Maybe so. Either way, us girls turned out the lights, closed the blinds and prayed they wouldn't come over to chat. There we were, peeping through the blinds trying to figure them out.

And then it hit us...as great as the mystery was...as much fun as it was us laughing at ourselves....making jokes...

I realized that we did the classic "Christian" thing of trying to isolate ourselves from those different from us...those who don't agree...In that moment, we were those Christians I cannot stand.

i hope they come back...

and I hope they come to my door...and I hope i'm home.

(mainly though so i can ask which is it? Brothel, Hostel, or Commune. God, let it be a Hostel or a girl's overactive imagination).

Currently listening to: CCR, Fortunate Son.


Amy said...

you've got my interest peaked now. i hope you find out :)

Kelli said...

i'll definitely keep you posted, Amy! :)

Autumn said...

Kel, I hate to tell you this, but Mormans actually worship on Sundays just like us. Check it out:


But still, I think you have something there...it's VERY questionable over there. And that's very with a capital V!

Kelli said...

Well, maybe they're Seventh Day Adventist. Details, Autumn...Details.

Either that or i'm thinking of the "Sabbath-keeping" Mormon's i've met over the years...i think every denomination has them.