Friday, August 15, 2008


someone brought it to my attention tonight that i've been rather quiet on here lately. i'll leave out his name to protect the innocent...haha

tonight..after a night of worship at church...i found myself praying for everyone leaving.

that we as a church would not be consumers of worship. that our hands wouldn't raise and our hearts swell with emotion in vain.

that the emotions God stirs in our bodies would resound out there...

on the streets...

in our families...

in our work...

as that steve fee song says, "that what we do in here, fills the streets out there..."

i love that line. i feel this is one of the biggest diseases facing The Church today.

we have a whole lot of words...and very few actions.

i pray your life is filled with worship.

that your words are worship...your bodies are worship...your hearts are worship.

i pray The Church learns to worship again.

1 comment:

SeeKate said...

beautiful. Kelli I really miss you! Can we please talk soon?