Tuesday, May 18, 2010


mandy's wedding was sunday.

she was absolutely stunning. it was such a wonderful night..seriously. it is a beautiful thing to watch two people promise to honor and love one another for the rest of their lives...it was an honor to stand up with her and celebrate that commitment.

i've always had a slight resistance towards marriage. sure i'd like to get married...someday. but that "someday" seems so out of reach. and i don't mean that in a "i'll always be single..no body loves me" kind of way. i mean that in a literal since. i still feel like a kid half the time...and kids shouldn't get married, right?

joking aside....

i've witnessed few marriages that seem to have a glimmer of something i hope to one day have. i've seen too many marriages consist of broken dreams, settling and miserable people. who wants that? not me.

i've seen husbands ignore their wives...wives nag their husbands. i've seen lack of love and respect. i've seen adultery first hand. i've seen divorce papers and courthouses.

i've seen broken noses and bruises.

what has become of such a sacred thing?
what have we done? what have i done?

i hope to one day get over my phobia of marriage. i hope to one day realize that yes, people always will change...that's life. but they don't always have to change for the worse. people don't always leave....they don't always turn into someone you don't recognize anymore...they don't always lie, hurt and cheat.

people can love. and sacrifice. and fight for what is true.

yes, people can change...but you can change with them.


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