Thursday, April 17, 2008


why do people think that just because you're single, you want to be set up?


why do people think that just because you're single, you're lonely?

i do not have these answers.

currently listening to: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Free Bird (i know, i know...i have no excuse. i love this song).


Jerry said...

I love it when someone practices missionary matchmaking by using me against their non-believing friends. It's like they think I have some super-hero conversion abilities that come from being single.

Autumn said...

lonely? setups? i'm in! man, you missed the best "cutting edge" marathon tonight with the SG....and it involved cookies AND ice cream AND sprinkles! who needs a setup after that? ;o)

Kelli said...

oh yeah, that's always a fun one to try to get out of isn't it? that's what happened to me just the other day. fun times...ekkk!

autumn, i cannot believe i missed it! you girls have been the best dates i've had in a while. ;)