Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bad day turned around.

i took a nap today after church. i must have been really tired...i never take naps. my mom told me that when i was a kid, she'd never get me to bed. i was afraid of missing out on something. funny. i think i'm the same today.

but this now means that i'll be wide awake tonight until about three or four. i'm thinking more towards four. i hate when that happens.

but i had a really great night tonight. i met some really interesting people and made some new friends. i'm always up for that! But the few people that i got to really talk with tonight didn't make me feel like something was wrong with me. do you ever get that? like you meet people for the first time and you feel like your personality, humor, style, etc is on display for judgement...and you feel what they are thinking by they way they talk to you. i get it all the time...maybe it is just me. but tonight i didn't feel that way. the great conversations that i had, i ended up feeling like they weren't looking at me to dissect me...but looking at me to just hear what i had to say...and i them. it was refreshing. i think preconceived notions about someone jade most conversations...and starts things off on the wrong foot. it actually happens to me all the time...which makes me wonder. haha.

but i was definitely out of my comfort zone tonight...but it ended up working out. i almost bailed and stayed in my warm bed but i had committed to something and i couldn't back out. (i hate when people do that to me...).

all this to say, i'm just rambling...and really have nothing of substance to say....other than, i had a really bad day today, but some really great people tonight turned that around for me.

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